parallax background

Confidence guarantee Premium Routes 99% Network uptime guarantee
Recover within 5 hours urgently

Cost reduction Monthly Maintenance service

Our team provides continuous support, reducing costs.

In addition to attractive appearance of a web page, the most important thing is traffic speed and security.

FREE a first year hosting & maintenance

which are mainly divided into two parts
(A)pages edit  (B)technical maintenance

Storage capacityFREE a first year

*20GB -500GB Web Space (Unmetered Traffic) *5-20Email Addresses(share with web space) *1 x 5GB MySQL database *Premium Routes *SSL certificate (https)

Service commitment After completing the webpage 4 hours on-site teaching

*Monthly maintenance (not repeatable calculation)  includes: *Text edit within about 2000 *10 photos edit & design *Latest news upload and design *Replace slides on the homepage 4 times within 12 months

*To be completed within three working days after the client email is send

Emergency repair 7x24 hours  Recover within 5 hours

WordPress is an open source system, so there are unlimited possibilities, but at the same time many problems may arise in daily use and maintenance.

*Emergency maintenance within 5 hours (any day)

*Example for Web pages and emails are not working, and prices are changed.